“Saving a Thousand Cold Stunned Sea Turtles”
Monday, September 13th @ 6 p.m.
via CBBF Facebook page
WHAT: Saving a Thousand Cold Stunned Sea Turtles
WHEN: Monday, September 13th at 6 pm
WHERE: Coastal Bend Bays Foundation Facebook page

The Coastal Bend Bays Foundation will kick off their monthly Coastal Issues Forum with a free interactive virtual meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 6 p.m. featuring Jace Tunnell, director of the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Reserve) at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute. Tunnell will discuss the events that took place to save more than 1,000 sea turtles from freezing to death.
Over 13,000 sea turtles were stranded in Texas during February 2021 when record breaking low temperatures reached the Gulf coast. Water temperatures plunged to 34 degrees F, immobilizing thousands of sea turtles that were rescued by volunteers, government agencies, and conservation organizations. The Amos Rehabilitation Keep at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas took in over 1,300 green sea turtles in a 10-day period to help save as many of these creatures as possible. This presentation will describe the events that took place to help rescue these turtles, what happens once the turtles come in to the rehab facility, and how they get returned to the ocean.

Speaker BIO: Jace Tunnell is the director of the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Reserve) at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute, where he has been since 2014. Prior to the Reserve he was the director of research and planning at the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program from 2006 to 2014, directing large scale restoration and water quality projects. Tunnell was named Conservationist of the Year in 2017 by the Coastal Conservation Association, the 2020 Coastal Icon by Texas Sea Grant, and is the founder of Nurdle Patrol, a citizen science project tracking plastic pellets washing up on shorelines across the U.S. Jace also serves as Vice President of the National Estuarine Research Reserve Association which advocates for support of the collective 29 Research Reserves around the United States. His conservation efforts include educating the public about plastic pollution, estuarine science, and protection of our natural resources. Jace received a Master’s degree in Marine Biology from Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi in 2001.
Virtual Coastal Issues Forums are mean to be interactive. When you join the Facebook Premiere post, you will be watching a pre-recorded video from our presenter with a live Q&A through the chat function. This is an opportunity to learn more and ask questions. See what our community thinks and how others are getting involved.
Hope you can join!
Follow the link below to join the conversation:
https:// www.facebook.com/coastalbendbaysfoundation