Coastal Issues Forum

ALL Coastal Issues Forums (CIFs) are made possible by the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program, always FREE, and open to the public – NO RSVP REQUIRED! CIFs are designed to bring together diverse community interests to identify Texas Coastal Bend concerns and seek solutions as well as educate our community about programs and opportunities all in a non-biased atmosphere.

Inside Look on Gulf Coast Growth Ventures BP Peacock Solar Project”

Presented By:

Barb Jacobs, Director of Government Relations, Lightsource bp and Patrick Dooley, Electrical Engineer, Gulf Coast Growth Ventures

3209 S. Staples., Corpus Christi, TX 78411

This is a unique opportunity that you don’t want to miss where you will be enlightened, have a chance to ask questions and seek answers directly from the experts.

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